Sunday, March 14, 2021

Main Abbreviations in steel detailing

 1.AISC -American institute of steel construction

2.AWS- American welding society

3.AISI- American iron and steel institute

4.ASTM- American society for testing material

5.AASHTO-American association of state highway and transportation officials

6.AESS- Architecturally exposed structural steel

7.ASME-American society of Mechanical engineers

8.RCSC-Research council of structural connections

9.OSHA- Occupational safety and health administration

10.SJI-Steel joist institute

11.SSPC- Structural steel painting council (society of protective coating)

12.EOR-Engineer of record

13.IFA-Issue for approval

14.BFA-back from approval

15.IFC- Issue for construction

16.GC -general contractor

17.Kip- Kilo pound

18.RFI-Request for information

19.LRFD-Load resistance factor design

20.ASD -Allowable stress design

21.SSL-Short slot

22.LSL-long slot

23.HSS-Hollow structural section

24.LLV-long leg vertical

25.LLH-longer leg horizontal

26.TOF-top of footing

27.TOS-Top of steel

28.FFE-Finished floor Elevation.

29.p/p -point to point

30.c/c - center to center

31.TS-Tubular section

32.SLBB-shorter leg back to back

33.LLBB-Longer leg back to back

34.HVAC-Heat ventilation and air condition

35.RD-Running dimension

36.SC-Slip critical

37.BOM-Bill of material

38.TOG-Top of grating

39.OSL –Outstanding leg

40.EOD-edge of deck

41.EOS- edge of slab

42.FV-Field verify

43.GA –Gauge

44.SLV –Short leg vertical

45.SLH-Short leg horizontal

46.JBE-Joist bearing Elevation

47.FOW-Face of wall

48.GOL-Gauge on angle

49.N/S –Near side

50.F/S – Far side

51.B/S –Both side

52.WP –Work point

53.BOM-Bill of Material

54.CG –Center of gravity

55.SDI –Steel deck institute

56.UNO –Unless noted otherwise

57.THK- Thick


59.CL –Center line

60.HS bolt –High strength bolts

61.BEV –Bevel

62.NISD - National institute of steel detailing

63.ABM - Advance bill of material

64.GA   - General arrangement / Gauge Material

65.SEOR - Senior engineer of record

66.ANSI - American National standard institute

67.BOBP - Bottom of base plate

68.CMU - Concrete Masonry Unit

69.ASCE - American society of civil engineers

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