Friday, March 19, 2021

TEKLA INTERVIEW questions test paper-2

 1.What is the difference between steel bar and steel plate

The difference between plate and bar is based upon size and production procedure. Flat stock has

historically been classified as a bar if it is less than or equal to 8 in. wide, and as a plate if it is

greater than 8 in. wide. See the AISC LRFD Manual of Steel Construction, third ed., page 1-9 for


2.Is it acceptable to galvanize ASTM F1554 anchor rod?

Yes. ASTM F 1554 anchor rods can be galvanized and the requirements for the protective

coating are stated in that ASTM F1554 Standard

3.Explain About DTI Washer?

DTI means “direct tension indicator,”a deformation-calibrated washer used for the installation

of high-strength bolts.

4.Explain About Beveled Washer & It’s condition ?

Beveled washers are used to compensate for a lack of parallelism between the outer faces of a

bolted joint as is found in such cases as a joint involving the flange of an American standard beam

(S-shape). To do so, the beveled washer must be properly oriented in the assembled joint. The

square or rectangular shape simplifies proper orientation during installation.

5.Name three methods for setting a column base to proper elevation

The use of a leveling plate, leveling nuts, and shim stacks are three alternatives. These and other

methods are discussed in greater detail in the AISC LRFD Manual of Steel Construction, beginning

on page 11-54

6.What is the definition of “backgouging”?

According to AWS D1.1.-2000, backgouging is “the removal of weld metal and base metal from

the weld root side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration

upon subsequent welding from that side

7.What is a “batten plate”?

A batten plate is a plate element used to rigidly join two parallel components of a built-up

column, girder, etc. designed to transfer shear between each component.

8.Explain about purlin?

A horizontal longitudinal member that rests on the top chords of a roof truss or girder to support

the roof..

9.Explain about girt?

A horizontal member in the side or end of a building used to support side covering.

10.Explain about sweep & Camber with sketches?

Camber: A comparatively flat vertical curve placed in a truss,beam or girder to counter act a part

of deflection.

Sweep: A comparatively flat vertical curve placed in a truss,beam or girder induced through
cold bending or by the application of heat.

11.Explain about E-Plans?

A drawing consisting of line diagrams representing framing in plan,elevation,section etc to

which are added principal dimensions,erection marks,notes and, when required,enlarged details,thus

providing the erector with sufficient information to place the members in the structure.These

drawings donot normally show the erection scheme,schedule,rigging devices,temporary

supports,safety devices etc.

12.When Grout Holes Are Required in Base Plate?

Grout holes are used when the base plate is 2'-0".

13.Caliculate the length of anchor bolt ?

Dia of rod ¾,Grout thk2”,Base plate thk 1”3/4

length of anchor rod = embed+projection

= (12d)+(Gt+BPt+2d+1/2)

= 12(3/4) + 2 + 1 ¾ + 2(3/4) + ½

= 4'-2"3/4.

14. What diameter hole is currently recommended in a base plate for a 1” diameter anchor


113/16 inch diameter. The current recommendations for anchor rod holes in base plates are

listed in Table 14-2 of the 3rd edition LRFD Manual. These hole sizes have been increased from the

earlier ASD editions to provide for better harmonization with actual performance of other trades in

setting anchor rods.

15.What does the acronym FCAW-S stand for?

Flux-cored arc welding—selfshielded.From Annex B of AWS D1.1-2000: a flux cored arc

welding process

16.What are two basic types of camber?

Two basic types of camber are natural mill camber and induced camber

17. What is a faying surface?

According to the glossary of the 2004 RCSC Bolt Specification (a free download from,“faying surface” is defined as the plane of contact between two plies of a


18.What material type is commonly specified for floor plate?

ASTM A786 is the standard specification for rolled steel floor plates

19).Which is the proper specification of the material: “ASTM A992 grade 50” or

“ASTM A992”?

Because ASTM A992 is a 50 ksi material only, it is properly specified as “ASTM


20.Which type of brace is commonly referred to as a “Chevron” brace?

inverted V-brace

21.What is AESS?

AESS stands for Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. AISC Code of Standard

Practice Section 10 covers fit, finish, and other related requirements for

steel that is designated in the contract documents as AESS. Structural steel can

be designated as AESS when the desired architectural effect or appearance of

exposed structural steel is such that the additional cost of more stringent

tolerances and preparation is justified.

22.What is a snug-tight bolted joint?

According to the glossary of the bolt spec, a snug-tight joint is one in which the

bolts have been installed in accordance with Section 8.1. The snug-tightened

condition is the tightness that is attained with a few impacts of an impact wrench

or the full effort of an ironworker using an ordinary spud wrench to bring the plies

into firm contact.

23.What is a W530x66?

W530x66 is the metric designation for a W21x44. The nominal depth of a

W21x44 is 530 mm, and its weight is 66 kg/m. The metric equivalents

of all U.S. Structural steel shapes,

24.What is first bolt distance for W8 beam connection?

2 1/2" inch

25.Commonly used Shear tab thickness ?

3/8" thk

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