Monday, March 15, 2021





         A structural member, usually horizontal, whose main function is to carry loads transverse to its longitudinal axis. These loads usually cause bending of the beam member

Types of Beam

  •     Simple beam (beam supported at both ends)
  •     Continuous beam (more than two spans)
  •     Cantilever beam (overhang beams)



The condition when two members come together at an angle which is not 90 degrees or perpendicular to each other in plan view.


A Beam that is inclined with reference to a horizontal position in elevation of the structure. The ends of the beam are at different elevations.


A beam perpendicular to the face of a supporting beam, but rotated so its flanges are tilted with respect to those of the support, is said to be canted


    When a beam inclines in two or more directions with respect to the axis of its supporting member, it is said to be skewed and sloped beam or Hip and Valley beam.


          With modern specialized bending and shaping equipment, the architect now has a great deal of flexibility to design with curved steel members whether it be for arches, domes or special accent features.


  A main horizontal, primary structural member spanning between two main supports which carries other members or vertical loads.

  Girders are widely used for medium and large spans when a flat or low-pitched roof is required. Roof girders are basically used to carry purlin which supports the roof coverings. The main features of this roof are to reduce the roof volume. 


     Column is a relative long vertical or near-vertical member whose primary function is to carry compressions loads parallel to its longitudinal axis


A series of diagonals placed between main members to resist wind  or other lateral  forces. There are two types of bracing

1.Vertical bracing2.Horizontal bracing


Trusses are basically large structural members and are designed for specific needs of a building. Usually used where the span is more without any intermediate support.

Trusses are generally made from straight section arranged and fastened together in triangular form to ensure structural stability.

Conventional steel trusses may be bolted or welded completely in the fabricating shop. If they are too large when transport, the trusses are made in two halves with the necessary connecting plates and provision for attaching connecting members


A joist, in architecture and engineering, is light weight horizontal supporting members that run from of wood, steel etc

  wall to wall, wall to beam or beam to beam, to support a ceiling, roof (or floor). It may be made


Sunday, March 14, 2021



  Steel roof structures do not need complicated formwork, these not only save time but also money. The use of precast concrete prefabricated units can overcome these problems but it lead to other problem, such as heavy dead weight, difficult to transport.

  Steel roof structures give architects greater freedom of design and can lead to lower cost by prefabrication and standardization of component parts. Their use simplifies and speeds up erection on site.

  They are light in weight but high in strength.


  Complexity of design calculation

  Higher maintenance cost than concrete roof because corrosion is possible.

  Prefabricated steel elements are large in size and difficult for transport. 

Main Abbreviations in steel detailing

 1.AISC -American institute of steel construction

2.AWS- American welding society

3.AISI- American iron and steel institute

4.ASTM- American society for testing material

5.AASHTO-American association of state highway and transportation officials

6.AESS- Architecturally exposed structural steel

7.ASME-American society of Mechanical engineers

8.RCSC-Research council of structural connections

9.OSHA- Occupational safety and health administration

10.SJI-Steel joist institute

11.SSPC- Structural steel painting council (society of protective coating)

12.EOR-Engineer of record

13.IFA-Issue for approval

14.BFA-back from approval

15.IFC- Issue for construction

16.GC -general contractor

17.Kip- Kilo pound

18.RFI-Request for information

19.LRFD-Load resistance factor design

20.ASD -Allowable stress design

21.SSL-Short slot

22.LSL-long slot

23.HSS-Hollow structural section

24.LLV-long leg vertical

25.LLH-longer leg horizontal

26.TOF-top of footing

27.TOS-Top of steel

28.FFE-Finished floor Elevation.

29.p/p -point to point

30.c/c - center to center

31.TS-Tubular section

32.SLBB-shorter leg back to back

33.LLBB-Longer leg back to back

34.HVAC-Heat ventilation and air condition

35.RD-Running dimension

36.SC-Slip critical

37.BOM-Bill of material

38.TOG-Top of grating

39.OSL –Outstanding leg

40.EOD-edge of deck

41.EOS- edge of slab

42.FV-Field verify

43.GA –Gauge

44.SLV –Short leg vertical

45.SLH-Short leg horizontal

46.JBE-Joist bearing Elevation

47.FOW-Face of wall

48.GOL-Gauge on angle

49.N/S –Near side

50.F/S – Far side

51.B/S –Both side

52.WP –Work point

53.BOM-Bill of Material

54.CG –Center of gravity

55.SDI –Steel deck institute

56.UNO –Unless noted otherwise

57.THK- Thick


59.CL –Center line

60.HS bolt –High strength bolts

61.BEV –Bevel

62.NISD - National institute of steel detailing

63.ABM - Advance bill of material

64.GA   - General arrangement / Gauge Material

65.SEOR - Senior engineer of record

66.ANSI - American National standard institute

67.BOBP - Bottom of base plate

68.CMU - Concrete Masonry Unit

69.ASCE - American society of civil engineers

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